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Dick held her ankles together with a big hand. He put his slimy cock in Angel’s hand and ordered her to suck it clean. Dazed and all but incoherent she licked and sucked it as ordered. After Bob came, Dick fucked her ass, while she cleaned bob’s cock. When Mark started fucking, her Angel fainted. The dwarves put their pants and shirts back on, tucked limp clean cocks’ away. Then they marched off whistling a merry tune. After a half an hour, the girls started waking up. They lay on the grass moaning as they recovered. “Is it always like this?” Angel asked. Snow rolled over on her belly. “No, thankfully they had two girls to fuck instead just me.” She sighed then groaned again. “Does this happen often?” Angel asked. “Not every day I’m happy to say. Sometimes two or three of them are out on work contract at the castle. Grandma works them hard. When they get home they just want to eat and go to bed.” “They worked me hard.” Angel sighed groaning again. After a few minutes of putting. Diana lay there watching me, lifting her hips slightly as I approached. Then I was pressing against her and she was holding her breath in anticipation, eyes wide and watching. I eased into her. Diana's breath came rushing out and she gave a small groan. Not hurrying, I eased a little further in.Diana was almost bouncing up and down, trying to get me to, "Put it in, damn you," as I edged into her. Ignoring her pleas I maintained the same slow invasion while Diana almost went through the roof in frustration.Once I had myself at home inside her, I started to slowly make love to Diana. Using the same slow pace with which I'd entered her, I slowly withdrew and returned. It was fortunate that Diana was pinned to the bed by my cock, otherwise she would have been climbing the walls in frustration. She was writhing under me, begging, wanting more, more, more. In no particular hurry I continued to take my time, slowly driving her to a lustful insanity.It couldn't last of course. Even that slow.
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